
2006/4 - nr. 302
Frans J. Van de Velde, Marie-José B. TassignonIntroduction
Van de Velde F.J.The relaxed confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope
Van de Velde F.J.Microperimetry
Brinkmann R., Roider J., Birngruber R. Selective Retina Therapy (SRT): a review on methods, techniques, preclinical and first clinical results
Huang X.-R.Polarization properties of the retinal nerve fiber layer
Zhou Q.Retinal scanning laser polarimetry and methods to compensate for corneal birefringence
Cense B., Chen T.C., de Boer J.F.In vivo thickness and birefringence determination of the human retinal nerve fiber layer using polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography
Cense B., Chen T.C., Nassif N., et Al. Ultra-high speed and ultra-high resolution Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography and Optical Doppler Tomography in Ophthalmology
Podoleanu A.G.Combining SLO and OCT technology
Hitzenberger C.K., Götzinger E., Pircher M. Birefringence properties of the human cornea measured with polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography
Feke G.T. Laser doppler instrumentation for the measurement of retinal blood flow: theory and practice
Riva C.E. Sub-foveal choroidal blood flow by LDF: measurement and application to the physiology and pathology of the choroidal circulation
Marcos S.Aberrometry: basic science and clinical applications
Gorrand J.M. The directionality of photoreceptors in the human retina
Roorda A., Garcia C.A., Martin J.A., et Al. What can adaptive optics do for a scanning laser ophthalmoscope ?
2006/3 - nr. 301
Paris VEditorial
Rakic J.-M.Influences multifactorielles sur la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge
Haddad W.M., Souied E., Coscas G., Soubrane G.Pigment maculaire et dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge
Desmettre T., Lecerf J.M.Quelques notions sur l'innocuité et la toxicité éventuelles des supplémentations en micronutriments antioxydants
Cohen S.Y.Vitamines dans la prévention de la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge: efficacité et risques
Guggenbühl N.Les antioxydants à la source
Neve J.Cadre législatif et risques potentiels liés à l'utilisation abusive des compléments nutritionnels
Van Lint M., De Cock C., Kestelyn Ph., De Laey J.J.Iatrogenic ocular vascular occlusions: case reports
Kocak N., Saatci A.O., Cingil G., Cimrin A., Ucar E.S.Miliary tuberculosis and bilateral multifocal choroidal involvement: place of indocyanine green
Wendrix G., Zeyen T.Late-onset capsular bag distention syndrome after cataract surgery: 2 case-reports
El Matri L., Mghaieth F., Limaiem R., Chaker N., Baklouti K., Bouraoui R., Merdassi A.Les décollements de rétine rhegmatogènes post-capsulotomie postérieure au laser YAG:
2006/2- nr. 300
Allegaert K., Van de Velde M., Debeer A., Casteels I., Devlieger H.Cryotherapy versus laser photocoagulation for threshold retinopathy of prematurity: impact on early postoperative clinical recovery
Houben N., Foets B.Confocal microscopy in multiple myeloma associated crystalline keratopathy: case report
Collignon N.J.Abnormal cupping of the optic disc: clinical screening before performing a neuroimaging examination
Vandeweghe K., Zeyen P.Phthiriasis palpebrarum: 2 case reports
El Kettani A., Lamari H., Lahbil D., Rais L., Zaghloul K.Neuropathie optique bilatérale et lymphome non Hodgkinien
Detry-Morel M., Pourjavan S., Detry M.B.Comparative safety profile between "modern" trabeculectomy and non-penetrationg deep sclerectomy
Benatiya Andaloussi I., Touiza E., Daoudi K., Bouayed M.A., Bhallil S., Elmasbahi I., Abdellaoui M., Tahri H.Le syndrome pseudo-exfoliatif chez les patients marocains programmés pour chirurgie de la cataracte
Raymaekers A., Foets B., Wouters C., Casteels I.Visual outcome in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis related uveitis
Benatiya Andaloussi I., Touiza E., Bhallil S., Oudidi A., Bouayed M.A., Daoudi K., El Alami M.N., Tahri H.Orbital osteoma: three case reports
Kaimbo WA Kaimbo D., Nkidiaka M.C.Le traitement du chalazion par incision et curetage chez les patients Africains de race noire
2006/1 - nr. 299
Van De Veire S., Zeyen T., Stalmans I.Argon versus selective laser trabeculoplasty
Moesen I., Maudgal P.C., Foets B.Late opacification of Hydroview intraocular lenses: report of 11 cases
Baha Ali T., Allali B., Essalime K., Lamari H., Zaghloul K.La tuberculose palpébrale primaire (à propos d'un cas)
Detry-Morel M.Side effects of glaucoma medications
Naesens R., Mestdagh C., Breemersch M., Defreyne L.Direct carotid-cavernous fistula: a case report and review of the literature
Mori R., Kelkar A., De Laey J.J.Photodynamic therapy with verteporfin in Belgian patients with subfoveal choroidal neovascularization secondary to age-related macular degeneration
Sallet G.Refractive outcome after bilateral implantation of an apodized diffractive intraocular lens
Gribomont A.C., Delescaille J.Vitrectomie 25 G pour les membranes épirétiniennes et les syndromes de traction vitréo-maculaire: premiers résultats à 6 mois
Detry-Morel M., Detry M.B.Five-year experience with non penetrating deep sclerectomy
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