AOB e-posters

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AOB e-Posters
Mercredi 27 Novembre 2019, 09:00 - 17:30, Speakers corner
103Choroidal neurofibromas: for once not hidden! DEQUEKER L, HEMELSOET D, LAUREYS G, DE ZAEYTIJD J
101Ozurdex implant migration into the Anterior chamber NARDEOSINGH S, ELHASSAN S, WILLIAMS G, HILL R
102Automated Capsulotomies without Femtosecond Laser MATHYS B
105Hyperspectral imaging and the retina: worth the wave? VAN EIJGEN J, LEMMENS S, VAN KEER K, DE BOEVER P, STALMANS I
104Early clinical experience with a new Selective Laser Capsulotomy (SLC) device MERTENS ELJG
106A new nomogram for laser corneal refractive surgery based on Artificial intelligence CRAHAY F-X, DEBELLEMANIERE G, RAMPAT R, MORAN S, GATINEL D
107Clinical outcomes of Ahmed Glaucoma Valve in posterior segment STASSENS E, RAKIC J-M, COLLIGNON N
109Comparison of visual results after SMILE corneal laser vision correction and V4c implantable collamer lens surgery in the treatment of low to moderate myopia with or without astigmatism: medium to longterm results GOES S, GOES F jr
108The IOP lowering effect of combined iStent +phacoemulcification in patients with glaucoma: prospective study HAAGDORENS M, BOUSTANI G, POURJAVAN S
110Large spot size-transpupillary laser diode (LSTLD) with or without adjuvant ICG for retinal hemangiomas. BARTOSZEK P, DE POTTER P
111Effectiveness of Humira in the treatment of non-infectious pediatric uveitis: a retrospective cohort study comparing JIA with other causes of uveitis BERTELOOT S, CASTEELS I, WOUTERS C
112Juvenile idiopathic arthritis and uveitis in children: new perspectives in treatment. BERTELOOT S, CASTEELS I, WOUTERS C
113Patient satisfaction and spectacle dependance following implantation of the Acriva Trinova® trifocal IOL FAIZI N, BLANCKAERT J, MULLIEZ E, GHEKIERE S
114Mendeliome in patients with Microphthalmia, Anophthalmia and Coloboma – results and challenge BALIKOVA I, SOBLET J, BRACHET C, HEINRICHS C, SMITS G, VILAIN C
115Angio-Optical coherence tomography in patients after MEK-inhibitor therapy for cutaneous melanoma. FASOLINO G, AWADA G, KOULALIS J, VERHELST B, TEN TUSSCHER M
117Dealing with difficult cases of cataract with the help of a lasso KESTELOOT F
118FEVR gene mutation in a patient with stage 5 retinopathy of prematurity VANHONSEBROUCK E, NERINCKX F
119An atypical case of acute unilateral complete external ophthalmoplegia. DELVAULX Ph., YOUSSFI A.
120Unseen? Mothers and Fathers with Visual Impairment VAN HAVERMAET J, LEROY BP, VAN HOVE G
121Ruthenium brachytherapy in ocular melanoma MISSOTTEN G, CHRISTIAENS M, CLEMENT P, VAN GINDERDEUREN R, VAN CALSTER J
122Patient creates filtering bleb: hypotony following traumatic rupture of an old scleral tunnel for cataract surgery LEMMENS SL, HUA MTH, STALMANS IS
123Diving and parafoveal scotoma. VAN HOORDE T, VANMARCKE A, DE ZAEYTIJD J
124Corneal ectasia caused by Vitamin C deficiency CLIJSTERS LC, DELBEKE HD
125A case report of Merkel cell carcinoma of the eyelid after previously diagnosed and treated conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia. VAN OEVELEN K, DE GROOT V, DE KEIZER RJW, LAUWERS N
126Is keratoconus a real ectasia: analysis of corneal surface area in normal eyes and keratoconus ? CRAHAY F-X, DEBELLEMANIERE G, GHAZAL W, TOBALEM S, MORANT S, RAMPAT R, GATINEL D
127Think metabolic! Biotidinase deficiency mimicking neuromyelitis optica IMSCHOOT J, VAN ISEGHEM V, SPRENGERS M, SINDIC CJM, WILLEKENS B, HEMELSOET D, LAUREYS G, DE ZAEYTIJD J
128Chiasmal optic neuritis: an unusual presentation of neuromyelitis optica COCHE A, VAN PESCH V, DUPREZ T, BOSCHI A
129Globe subluxation following steroid treatment for Myasthenia Gravis (MG) DAM JF, CASSIMAN C
130Assessment of structural neurovascular coupling of radial peripapillary capillary in neovascular age dependent macular degeneration NELIS P, TEN TUSSCHER M, ETER N, ALNAWAISEH M
131Assessment in mydriasis of OCTA parameter of macular region and optic nerve head after dark and light adaptation NELIS P, ALNAWAISEH M, ETER N, TEN TUSSCHER M
132Mild Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) in a Western European family due to the rare Chinese m.14502T>C mutation VANDEPUTTE J, SENECA S, DE ZAEYTIJD J
133Late onset of choroidal melanoma as vitreoretinal dissemination OLDERS G, BARTOSZEK P, DE POTTER P
134Ocular disorders among paediatric patients in Kinshasa KAIMBO WA KAIMBO D, KAIMBO MT
135An optic nerve head granuloma: the first sign of a systemic disease CHAPELLE AC
136The healthscape evaluated by visually impaired outpatients in two belgian hospitals CHAPELLE JF, CHAPELLE AC, RAKIC JM, DELCOURT C
137Case Report of epithelial ingrowth after anterior chamber paracentesis MOUTHUY M, OZTURK N
138A case of maculopathy in Rogers syndrome SCIFO L
139Micropulse G6 transscleral cyclophotocoagulation in refractory glaucoma patients BOUSTANI G, JANSSENS X, MARINESCU C, POURJAVAN S
140Cancer-associated rethinopathy secondary to gallbladder carcinoma GOYVAERTS K, VAN LINT M
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