Handouts ManaMa Retina 2013

ManaMa Retina
Leuven, 14 december 2013

Chair: François Willermain

9:00    Basic Anatomy and optical coherence tomography

           M. Van Lint UZ VUB


9:15    Fluorescein angiography, autofluorescence and indocyanin green angiography

           D. Makhoul ULB St-Pierre and Brugmann


9:30    Electrophysiology and psychophysical testing

           W. Spileers, UZ Leuven


9:45    Vitreoretinal interface abnormalities

            P. Stalmans, UZ Leuven


10:05   Age related macular degeneration

            B. Locht, CHU Liege


11:00    Retinal vascular disease1

             B. Pion CHU St-Pierre, ULB


11:20    Retinal vascular disease 2

             F. Rasquin Erasme, ULB


11:45    Retinal vascular disease 3

             AC Houtman , UZ-VUB


12:10    Retinal toxic lesions

             E. Smets, UZ Antwerpen


12:25    Choroidal disease

             A. Dewachter, AZ Brugge


14:00    Central serous chorioretinopathy

             L. Postelmans, CHU Brugmann, ULB


14:15    Color vision and color vision deficiency

             C. Andris, CHU Liège


14:30    Macular dystrophies

             J.J. De Laey, UZ Gent


14:50    Hereditary vitreoretinopathies

             F. Beby, HUDERF, ULB


15:10    Peripheral retinal abnormalities

             J. Van Calster, UZ Leuven


15:25    Posterior segment trauma

             R. Ladha, CHU St-Pierre, ULB

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