The library Jules François is one of most complete ophthalmologic
libraries in the world. The late Professor Jules François has very
generously donated his entire ophthalmologic library to the Jules
François Foundation on the condition that the Foundation would continue
his existing subscriptions. Most of the ophthalmologic journals from
over the entire world are present from their first issue on. Beside the
journals an impressive number of ophthalmologic textbooks in many
different languages can be found.
The library is located in the ophthalmologic policlinic of
ophthalmology of the university of Ghent (University hospital Gent, De
Pintelaan 185, B-9000 Gent, Belgium).
Great efforts to keep the library up to date are done partly by the
Jules François Foundation, supplied by for example the Société belge
d'opthalmologie (SBO), het Belgisch oftalmologisch gezelschap (BOG),
the Belgian society of cataract and refractive surgeons (BSCRS), the
Belgian glaucoma Society ( BGS), the Belgian organisation of assistants
in ophthalmology (OBAO) and most important the ophthalmologic
department of the university of Ghent.
The entrance to the library is free for every ophthalmologist from over the world.
There also is a free copy service for every body, sponsored by Alcon.