
2024 - Guidelines for polling/voting

Guidelines for preparing voting / polling 

Dear speaker, 

An interactive polling/voting system is offered for your presentation.  Speakers may address the audience by asking them maximum 5 specific multiple-choice questions (MCQs) about the content of their presentation.

Carefully read the instructions below and contact us without further delay in case you require more information.

SLIDO will be used to manage the polling/voting. The audience can vote via their mobile device by scanning the QR code that will be displayed on the screen in the meeting room.  Once all votes are in the results will be displayed in real-time.

Max 5 MCQ's per presentation are allowed.  Per MCQ max 6 possible answers are possible.  Please highlight the correct answer.  Your MCQs must be sent to mail no later than Monday 18 November. 
Attention, it is not possible to add or change questions on the day of your presentation.

When you prepare your PowerPoint presentation you must insert a new slide for each MCQ.  On the slide you must insert the full question and possible answers. 

It is advised to distribute the MCQ slides equally throughout your presentation (and not all at the end): this will keep the audience continuously engaged.

Please make sure to check your presentation with MCQs at the speakers service centre well in time before the start of the session.

The technician in the speaker service center will make sure that your polling questions – available in Slido - will be integrated at the correct place in your presentation. Together with the technician, you can decide upfront when the results of a question should be shown (immediately, on a mouse click or do not show the result). This can be set for each question individually.  

During your presentation, you will have full control over your PowerPoint.

For your time management you should calculate 60 seconds per poll question.

Thank you for making your lecture more dynamic by sparking participation of your audience.  Good luck with the preparation of your lecture.  

For further information, please contact the OB Office

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