2023 - BSCRS / OBAO Spring Congress - REGISTRATION

Register for BSCRS-OBAO Spring Congress - 22 April 2023

Registration is required in order to participate at the BSCRS / OBAO Spring Congress. 

Registration can be done -ONLINE- through your ophthalmologia.be account.
Follow the step by step registration process below

For those who do not yet have an account on ophthalmologia.be, please contact the AOB Office by email

Registration fees are: 
- BSCRS-BCLSO members: 90 EUR
- BSCRS-BCLSO non-members: 120 EUR
- Residents in Training member or non-member: 15EUR
- Farewell reception: FREE

How to register? 
Step 1Login - make sure you first log into your ophthalmologia.be account. 
Step 2: Once logged in, go to "My Payments" 
Step 3: Click on the text "BSCRS / OBAO Spring Congress 2023Since you are logged in, the systems knows whether you are a member of BSCRS or not, or if you are Resident in Training and will calculate the correct fee accordingly. 
Step 4: Tick the box "Farewell receptionif you would like to join us and submit your registration by clicking on "I would like to pay ... EUR". You will be redirected to the secured payement gateway system. 
Step 5Select your prefered payment option:  Visa, Master or bank transfer. 
We encourage you to pay online (Visa or Master), which is a fast and secure way. If you do opt for bank transfer then please make sure your payment is received before the start of the event. 

Important Notice: Due to venue configuration, the number of seats is limited and registration will be done on a "first come first served basis".

We look forward to welcoming you!
Greetings from the entire BSCRS & OBAO board
more info contact: bscrs.events@gmail.com

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