2022 BRS - REBEL Meeting - 14/05/2022

----- Postponed until further notice ----- 


Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends, 

The Retinal Surgeons of Belgium are pleased to invite you to the 3rd Annual Knokke Rebel Meeting. It will take place on the morning of Saturday, May 14th from 09:00 until 13:00.

Just like in 2018 and 2019, the meeting will take place in La Réserve, Elizabetlaan 160, Knokke. And just like during the first 2 iterations, this year's meeting will feature presentations of interesting cases & important issues for today's Belgian vitreoretinal surgeon. Each presentation will be followed by lively discussions.  

This year's meeting will be sponsored by the Belgian Retina Society, which means that attendance is FREE for BRS members! This includes the welcome breakfast (coffee & croissants); the conference itself; mid-morning coffee break; and a legitimately tasty lunch. 

Would you like to attend? Please reply by Sunday, April 3rd so we can reserve this prime location. 

If you would like to give a presentation, please let us know. There are several presentation spots available. We would like to hear from all levels of surgical experience: young + mid-career + fin de carrière surgeons. 

Notify your attendance or your interest to present. RSVP by filling out THIS FORM
Questions can be addressed to Leigh Spielberg: Leigh.Spielberg@gmail.com

We're looking forward to welcoming you to the Belgian coast in springtime!

Leigh Spielberg 
St. Jan, Bruges
St. Lucas, Ghent

Gregory Haverbeke
St. Augustinus, Antwerp

Joachim Van Calster
University Hospital, Leuven


Saturday, May 14th

08:30: Registration / Welcome with coffee & croissants

09:00: Session 1: Three presentations with lively discussion

10:30: Coffee break

11:00: Session 2: Three presentations with lively discussion

13:00: Lunch in the conference center 

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