Exhibitors list OB 2023

MDEON visum has been requested and approved:
visum nr: 23/V2/10171/008946

Booth numbers

23 Abbvie www.abbvie.be
30 ALCON www.alcon.com
8 BAUSCH + LOMB www.bausch.com
2 Bayer www.bayer.com
24 BVI www.bvimedical.com
29 & 39 Carl Zeiss www.zeiss.be/meditec
18 Cooper Vision Nederland coopervision.nl
1 De Ceunynck Medical www.dcmedical.be
17 Densmore www.densmore.mc
25 D.O.R.C. Intern. B.V. www.dorcglobal.com
20 Ergra Engelen www.ergra-engelen.be
21 Essilor Group Belgium www.essilor.be
5 Excel Vision Excel Vision
32 Fagron Sterile Services www.fagronsterile.be
28 FCI S.A.S. www.fciworldwide.com
40 Glaukos Belgium www.glaukos.com
7 Hasa Optix www.hasaoptix.com
14 Horus Pharma Belux Nv www.horus-pharma.be
11 Hoya Vision Care www.hoyavision.com
19 Labo Rx www.laborx.be
45 Medequip BV www.traceytech.com
38 MediVision / MediLaser medivision.be
13 Moria www.moria-surgical.com
41 New Vision NV www.newvision.be
42 Novartis Pharma www.novartis.com
34 Oftahils www.oftahils.be
27 Ophtalmo Service www.ophtalmoservice.be
4 Optos www.optos.com
52 Quidelortho www.quidelortho.com
9 Precision Line Gold www.lineprecision.be
16 Pro-Vision Instruments www.provinst.com
6 Revogan www.revogan.be
31 Roche www.roche.com
12 Rockmed Ophtha www.rockmed.be
37 Rodenstock Benelux Rodenstock Benelux
3 Santen www.santen.com
22 Simovision www.simovision.be
26 Technop www.technop.be
35 Thea Pharma www.thea.be
43 Trusetal Verbandstoffwerk www.tshs.eu
36 Ursapharm Benelux www.ursapharm.be
10 Van Hopplynus Ophtalm www.vho.be
15 VH Ophthalmics BV www.vhophthalmics.be
44 Viatris www.viatris.com
33 Visionix www.visionix.com
55 Wisepress www.wisepress.com
located in the registration area
47 Association DMLA www.dmla.be
50 Blindenzorg Licht en Liefde www.blindenzorglichtenliefde.be
46 Braille Ligue/Braille Liga www.braille.be
49 Les Amis des Aveugles et Malvoyants www.amisdesaveugles.org
48 Light for the World www.lighfortheworld.be
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