AOB Lecture since 2013


Since 2013, the Academia Ophthalmologica Belgica (AOB) has organized the annual "AOB Lecture Award". This prize is awarded to a person who has distinguished him- or herself in an exceptional manner within the field of ophthalmology.

Laureate AOB Lecture 2013: Prof. Dr. Jean-Jacques De Laey, Gent

Prof. Dr. Jean-Jacques De Laey dedicated more than half a century to ophthalmology. He is a founder of many of our European and Belgian structures within ophthalmology. As head of the department of ophthalmology of the University of Ghent, he remains a source of inspiration for many residents and ophthalmologists. After his retirement in 2006, Prof. De Laey was elected secretary general of the International Council of Ophthalmology, and currently ICO Vice President, which once more highlights an exceptional career.

Lecture 2013 : The eye of Vesalius, Jean-Jacque DE LAEY

Laureate AOB Lecture 2014: Prof. Dr. Luc Missotten, Leuven

Prof. Dr. Luc Missotten fully dedicated his professional life to the development of the ophthalmology in the University Hospitals of Leuven, in Belgium and in Europe. For many ophthalmologists and researchers, he remains a source of rich personal and professional inspiration. 
Luc Missotten therefore very rightfully is the Academia Ophthalmologica Belgica Laureate of 2014.

Lecture 2014 : De pupillendans, Luc MISSOTTEN

Laureate AOB Lecture 2015: Prof. Gabriel Coscas Créteil, France

Professor Gabriel Coscas is one of the most influential ophthalmologists in Europe. He is especially well known for his vast contributions to our actual knowledge on age related macular degeneration and his pioneering work on OCT in macular diseases.
He is an astute observer and a superb teacher. The eye department he created in Créteil has become one of the leading eye centres in France. Professor Coscas is a worthy 2015 Academia Ophthalmologica Belgica Laureate.

Lecture 2015 : OCT-Angiography Versus Conventional Multimodal Imaging in Exudative AMD: A new diagnostic challenge, Gabriel COSCAS

Laureate AOB Lecture 2016: Prof. Dr. Alan C. Bird, London, UK

Professor Alan C. Bird is without any doubt one of the leading retinal specialists in the World. His many landmark contributions on inherited retinal dystrophies and age-related macular degeneration have changed the field. His superb insight and natural teaching abilities have helped make Moorfields Eye Hospital one of the best centres for eye care. He attracted scores of fellows, multiplying the impact of his visionary ideas, through the creation of a global school of specialists.
Professor Bird is the true embodiment of an Academia Ophthalmologica Belgica

Lecture 2016 : Implications of research onto Mactel type 2, Alan C. Bird

Laureate AOB Lecture 2017: Dr. Paul Leonard, Antwerpen, Belgium

Dr. Paul Leonard has provided pioneering work for cataract surgery in Belgium and the Netherlands by his research and very early use of intraocular implants in cataract patients. He also was a co-founder of different Belgian Ophthalmology Societies and for many years he was committed in defending the profession of ophthalmologists.

Lecture 2017 : To see or not to see, Paul LEONARD

Laureate AOB Lecture 2018: Prof. Dr. Thierry Zeyen, Antwerpen

Prof. Dr. Thierry Zeyen dedicated most of his career to glaucoma. He enjoyed sharing his knowledge and training numerous young ophthalmologists. He has authored or co-authored 115 peer reviewed articles and has written several textbook chapters. He is currently Honorary Fellow of the European Glaucoma Society (EGS), Board Member of the EGS Foundation, member of the Glaucoma Research Society and President of the Belgian Glaucoma Society. He is still active as a medical claim expert in ophthalmology.

Lecture 2018 : History of Ophthalmology Told by Stamps

Laureate AOB Lecture 2019: Prof. Dr. Anita Leys, Leuven

Anita Leys was Ophthalmologist in UZLeuven and is Professor Emeritus of the University of Leuven Belgium.  She obtained the PhD title with a doctoral thesis on Ocular Fundus Changes in Renal Diseases.
She is author or co-author of more than 100 peer reviewed publications, and of book chapters on AMD, radiation retinopathy, the eye and renal diseases, and the eye and systemic diseases,
She is retired member of EURETINA, the Jules Gonin Club, and the Macula Society, and is active member of the European fluorescein club (FAN club), the Committee of European Experts in Micronutrition of the Eye (CEEME), and Groupe d'Experts en Micronutrition Oculaire (GEMO).
She belongs to the editorial board of Retinal Cases and Brief Reports.
She has experience in clinical studies and is still principal investigator in randomized trials of AMD and diabetic retinopathy.

Lecture 2019 : Nutrition and AMD: facts , figures and myths

Laureate AOB Lecture 2020: Prof. Dr. Thomas Neuhann, Munich, Germany

Thomas Neuhann started his practice in Munich, where he began promoting what was a very unpopular procedure: capsulhorexis. He founded the annual meeting of the German Ophthalmology Society in the 1980s, at which time he began teaching how to perform a capsulhorexis. For his efforts in promoting phacoemulsification he received numerous awards all over the world. He founded the non-profit Cornea bank in Munich. He contributed as a pioneer in the field of Cataract, Refractive and Corneal Surgery and also served as the president of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons from 1998 till 2000. Thomas Neuhann is a senior partner of a group practice, head of the ophthalmological department of the Red Cross Hospital, head of the private Eye Laser Center and professor of ophthalmology at the Technical University, all located in Munich.

Lecture 2020 : Myths in cataract surgery

Laureate AOB Lecture 2021: Prof. Dr. John V Forrester, Aberdeen, United Kingdom

Prof. Forrester received his MD, ChB from Glasgow University, Scotland in 1970.  In 1980 he received his MD also from the University of Glasgow.  Between 1979-1984 he was Consultant Ophthalmologist/Clinical Lecturer in Ophthalmology at Glasgow University.  
He has over the years received 45 awards and Visiting Professorships 
His main areas of research are Ocular Immunology, Uveitis, Autoimmune Disease, Wound Healing and Experimental Corneal Transplantation, Diabetic Retinopathy, Angiogenesis, Endothelial Cell Function, Age-related Macular Degeneration, Clinical Studies in Uveitis, Translational Research in Ophthalmology, Imaging in Ophthalmology, and has published over 400 papers and 6 books including The EYE. 
He is a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. He is Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, and of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists,
He was Chairman of the RCOphth Medical Ophthalmology Training Sub-Committee and the RCOphth Diabetic Retinopathy Guidelines Committee.  He was Editor-in-Chief of the British Journal of Ophthalmology 1992-2000.

Lecture 2021: Infection and Autoimmune Disease in the CNS

Laureate AOB Lecture 2022: Prof. Dr. David Spalton, London, United Kingdom

Professor David Spalton trained  at Moorfields Eye Hospital and St Thomas' Hospital, London and holds Fellowships at the Royal College of Surgeons, the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Ophthalmologists. During his training he completed Fellowships in uveitis, medical and neuro-ophthalmology at St Thomas' Hospital and the Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London.
He was a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at St Thomas' Hospital until 2012 when he went into private practice. At St Thomas' he developed an international reputation for his work and research  on cataract and complex cataract surgery.  He was Honorary Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon to the Royal Hospital Chelsea, King Edward VII's Hospital for Officers, London  and  Civilian Advisor to the Metropolitan Police in Ophthalmology.

He has published over 180 scientific papers and his book, 'An Atlas of Clinical Ophthalmology', won the prize for the Best Medical Textbook of the Year in 1984 for the 1st edition and 2005 for the 3rd edition, a unique feat in medical publishing. It is now translated in 10 languages and was voted one of the 100 most influential ophthalmic textbooks of the 20th century by Archives of Ophthalmology.

Lecture 2022: Cataract Surgery and the Search for the Holy Grail
Laureate AOB Lecture 2023: Prof. Dr. Philippe Kestelyn, Ghent, Belgium

Professor Philippe Kestelyn received his training in ophthalmology under Professor François from 1975 to 1979. The next decade he established the department of ophthalmology at the Centre Hospitalier de Kigali in Rwanda, with a sabbatical leave in 1987-1988 to obtain a master in Public Health Ophthalmology at the Johns Hopkins University. He rejoined the department of ophthalmology at the Ghent University in 1991 as a full staff member under Professor Jean-Jacques Delaey and retired in 2013 as head of the department. 

As a board member of several Belgian and European scientific societies he used his influence to improve the standards of clinical and scientific ophthalmology in Belgium and abroad. His most important contribution however was the vast number of residents he trained according to his high standards. 

Professor Philippe Kestelyn, internationally recognized as an expert on HIV and the eye, contributed to ophthalmology as an author of more than 100 peer-reviewed articles and several book chapters, as a reviewer/associate editor/editor for national and international journals, and as a  lecturer in four continents. 

Lecture 2023: Tropical ophthalmology, what's in a name?

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