
Registration OB 2019


Everyone attending the OB 2019 congress, whether or not a speaker, a moderator, or a teacher, must register and pay the registration fee.


Before 12 Nov 2019

After 12 Nov 2019

Ophthalmologists and Emeriti who paid AOB 2019 membership are automatically registered
for OB 2019 and therefore they do not have to register separately. 
ATTENTION: Registering to participate in the
OB network dinner (28 Nov) and/or Wetlabs is still necessary.

Ophthalmologists/Emeriti who are not yet a AOB member can login
and go to here and pay the membership fee
and consequently participate in OB 2019 free of charge.

NON-AOB MEMBERS wishing to participate in OB 2019 are required
to register in advance and for them the following rates apply:



650 EUR

140 EUR

750 EUR

160 EUR


Resident in training

100 EUR

160 EUR

Students / Ortoptists/ Eye care : no access to exhibition on Nov 27-28. Only access on Nov 29.
On Nov 27-28 Coffee / lunch break in The Arc foyer.


Orthoptists - day fee

Eye care - day fee

55 EUR

120 EUR

150 EUR

90 EUR

190 EUR

230 EUR

BSONT - Nurses & Technicians (November 29 only)

90 EUR

140 EUR

Both AOB members and non-AOB members are required to register for Wetlab
WETLAB - Ophthalmologist
WETLAB - In training

100 EUR
90 EUR


Networking dinner in BOZAR, Brussels

on Thursday November 28, 19:30

75 EUR

Included in the fee: VAT, coffee breaks and sandwich lunches included


Guidelines OB and BSONT registration

  • If you don not have a code yet, please ask
  • Nurses and technicians can only be registered for BSONT in their own account and not through the account of doctors.
  • For multiple BSONT registrations only: use BSONT group registrationform

CANCELLATION AND REFUNDS: Refunds up to 75% of the advance registration fee will be granted for cancellation received in writing prior to November 12, 2019. Refunds will not be granted for later cancellations or no-shows.

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