
OBAO - Residents in Training

Innovations and novelties in Ophthalmology
AMICO Symposium
Saturday 18 March 2017, 14:00 - 17:00, The ARC
 14:00Retinal implants and visual cortex stimulators ZRENNER E
 14:20How to restore vision PICAUD S
 14:40Gene therapy and novelties in retinal dystrophies LEROY BP
 15:00Stem cells therapy for cornea ZAKARIA N
 15:40Advanced Retinal imaging GAUDRIC A
 16:00Is led light safe? LOCHT B
 16:15New help from smartphones and apps DESCAMPS H, CRAHAY FX, MOREAU A
 16:30Robot surgery STALMANS P, WILLEKENS K
 16:45NGENUITY, 3D visualization system AKTYPIS D
 17:00End of session
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