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TitleIncidence of glaucoma after bag-in-the-lens implantation in patients with congenital cataract.
Abstract Nr.1021
PurposeTo determine the incidence of glaucoma after congenital cataract surgery using bag-in-the-lens (BIL) implantation technique in paediatric eyes.
MethodsThe study compromised 185 eyes who had congenital cataract surgery with implantation of a BIL between December 1999 and December 2015. Patients with a history of previous intra-ocular surgery, uveitis, anterior segment dysgenesis, congenital glaucoma and traumatic cataract were excluded. Down patients and ectopia lentis patients were initially included.
Results185 eyes of 120 congenital cataract patients (55 unilateral, 65 bilateral) were included. Patient’s age at time of surgery ranged from younger than 1 month to 17,5 years old, with a mean age of 56,5m old. Glaucoma after bag-in-the-lens IOL implantation, with an average follow-up of 52,65 ± 42,2 months, was found in 3 eyes. The glaucoma incidence in our total cohort was 1,62%. 5 glaucoma suspects are currently in close follow-up. As a risk-factor, only the presence of persistent foetal vasculature was statistically significant in our cohort. Although not statistically significant as a risk-factor, our glaucoma cases were all operated before the age of 12 months.
ConclusionThe glaucoma incidence following bag-in-the-lens IOL implantation is low and thereby comparable to that seen published in recent publications studying the lens-in-the-bag (LIB) paediatric cataract surgery. Wide variation in study design in the literature precludes direct comparison. It might be prudent to emphasize the need for close follow-up of the youngest patients.There is a need for standardization in evaluating glaucoma after cataract surgery. Further prospective studies should be done to review the risk factors.
Conflict of interestYes
Details of conflicting interestsDr. M.-J. Tassignon has intellectual property rights to the bag-in-the-lens intraocular lens (U.S. Patent 6 027 531, EU patent 009406794, PCT/120268), which is licensed to Morcher GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany.
Authors 1
Last nameHELSEN
Authors 2
Last nameKiekens
Authors 3
Last nameVerkest
Authors 4
Last nameTassignon
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