Guidelines online abstract submission OB 2020

Guidelines online submission of abstracts

  • Free paper oral presentation
  • E-poster
The abstract submission deadline is September 14, 2020 at midnight.

All abstracts MUST be submitted by the presenting author.
No one may be first author of more than two abstracts.

All abstracts will initially be reviewed, graded and accepted or rejected by the Organizing Committee. The Committee reserves the right to determine whether a free paper submission is accepted as an oral presentation in the free paper session or as an e-poster. Best ten e-posters will be presented orally during a Rapid-fire session. The decision of the Committee is final.

If a paper or e-poster is accepted for presentation, the first author must undertake to present it. The presenter must be a registered delegate at the Congress and pay all applicable fees.

An abstract is strictly limited to 1.800 characters. All characters inserted, including spaces, count towards the total. During the submission process the number of remaining characters is indicated.
All abstracts should be written in English and structured as follows: Title, Author, Authors' affiliations, Purpose, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Please note that abstracts without concrete results will not be considered.
Acceptance letters will be sent by October 1, 2020, to notify the first author of acceptance or rejection together with the time schedule of the oral presentation if applicable. Unfortunately, the complexity of the programme will not allow schedule changes.

  • Best oral free paper : 300 EUR
  • Best e-poster : 300 EUR
  • Best presentation (rapid fire or oral free paper) by an assistant (under 35 years old) 500 EUR travel grant international congress
Presenting author has to be present at the award ceremony on Friday.

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