Plenary Session: Jules François Foundation

OB Academic session
Jeudi 25 Novembre 2004, 17:00 - 18:00, session plénaire
David A. Antonetti, Ph.D., USA

David Antonetti is a cell biologist, interested in understanding the regulation of vascular permeability in diabetes. He has been studying the role of insulin and other factors in the activation of protein synthesis. One of his recent accomplishments is the elucidation of one of the early steps in insulin signal transduction. He is using cell and molecular biological approaches to investigate the intercellular and second messenger systems that open and close tight junctions.

 17:00Introduction of David ANTONETTI, winner of the Jules François Prize 2004 by Prof. Dr. A. Galand, president of the Jules Français Foundation
A108317:05Closing tight junctions opens the door to new treatment options for diabetic retinopathy ANTONETTI D
 17:50Presentation of the Prize, sponsored by ALCON
 17:55End of session
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