Bringing your refractive surgery to the next level
Mercredi 22 Novembre 2023, 16:00 - 17:30, HALL 400
François-Xavier CRAHAY, Guy SALLET
 16:00Can I use complex optic lenses after refractive surgery ? CHAPELLE J, MATHYS b
 16:12Small-aperture IOLs: theoretical advantages vs. real-life implantation DERVEAUX T
 16:24Presbyopia correction with phakic diffractive intra-ocular lens implantation SALLET G
 16:36Break for speaker questions
 16:45Handling basement membrane dystrophies in refractive surgery ALSABAI N
 16:57Dry eye - the constant enemy of the refractive surgeon QIN V
17:09Sustainability in the operating room LUCAS R
 17:21Questions & round table session
 17:30End of session
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