ICC 2: The way to a stressless phaco: no magic, just tips and tricks
Interactive Clinical Courses
Mercredi 22 Novembre 2023, 09:00 - 10:30, HALL 400


Level: Basic



OLV Ziekenhuis Aalst & KULeuven


In this video-based course we explain from a physical point of view how  tissues behave, why complications occured and how to avoid and solve them. We are convinced that mastering the details of a cataract extraction makes the difference between a starting and an experienced surgeon. Those small tricks are often picked up by coincidence by a surgeon over a long period of years. Teaching those details can make the learning curve easier and faster for surgeons of a beginning and intermediate level.

Programme outline:

09:00The way to a stressless phaco: no magic just tips and tricks - Speaker 1 D'HOLLANDER F
09:45The way to a stressless phaco: no magic just tips and tricks - Speaker 2 VANDER MIJNSBRUGGE J
 10:30End of ICC 2
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