Interactive Clinical Courses
Mercredi 23 Novembre 2022, 09:00 - 10:30, THE ARC

ICC 2: Pachychoroid Spectrum disease: Looking Beyond Choroidal Thickness 
Level: Intermediate
 09:00ICC 2 - Pachychoroid Spectrum disease - Presenter 1 RASQUIN F
 09:30ICC 2 - Pachychoroid Spectrum disease - Presenter 2 POSTELMANS L
 10:00ICC 2 - Pachychoroid Spectrum disease - Presenter 3 LOCHT B
 10:30End of ICC 2 Session

What are "the pachychoroid related diseases"? What do they really have in common? Based on richly illustrated clinical cases, we will review the risk factors, the mutimodal imaging, the differential diagnosis and the treatment of these pathologies, with particular attention to central serous chorioretinitis and its variants. We will also expose you the new physiopathologic theory based on wide-field ICG angiography analysis of the choroid, which could open up new horizons and classifications.
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