BGS: Update in the diagnosis and management of glaucoma

Update in the diagnosis and management of glaucoma
Jeudi 28 Novembre 2019, 09:25 - 12:30, SILVER
Thierry ZEYEN, Adèle EHONGO
 09:25Welcome ZEYEN T
 09:35What is the place for selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT)? COLLIGNON N
 09:50Determining OCT progression VAN DE VEIRE S
 10:05Is there a role for Marijuana in glaucoma therapy? KESTELYN P
 11:05How much medication is too much? POURJAVAN S
 11:20Work-up for normal pressure glaucoma STEVENS AM
 11:35Case-reports chaired by V. De Groot with the participation of E. Vandewalle, S. Kiekens, V. De Groot and A. Ehongo
 12:30End of sessions
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