BSA - Belgian Strabismological Association

Management of strabismus cases
AMICO Symposium
Samedi 18 Mars 2017, 14:00 - 17:00, Room 311
 14:00What secrets may hide an intermittent exotropia - Demet Yuksel
 14:12Elevatiebeperking na AP obliquus inferior - Catherine Cassiman
 14:24Frozen globe after orbital trauma - Catherine Cassiman
 14:36Recurrent esotropia in high myopia - Lavinia Postolache
 14:48Peculiar intra-orbital cause of iatrogenic strabismus - Evelien De Nijs
 15:00A strange case of hypotropia: think twice - Carl Gobin
 15:12From ophthalmoplegic migraine to cranial neuropathy - Paul Louis, neuroloog, Antwerp
 16:00Case of iatrogenic diplopia : is the solution right under our nosed ? - Barbara Janssens
 16:30General Assembly
 17:00End of session
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