Ped&Low : Pediatric Ocular Trauma

AMICO Symposium
Samedi 14 Mars 2015, 09:00 - 12:00, Room 311
 09:00Anterior segment trauma HOUTMAN AC
 09:20A rake in the eye: almost a lost eye but … with a happy end ! - a case report DELBEKE P
 09:30Niet-accidenteel trauma bij het kind VANDENBROUCKE S
 10:00Understanding Stickler syndrome and the risk of eye trauma MORTIER G, DELAEY C
 11:00HTIC of traumatic origin with ophthalmologic consequences - 2 case reports HOSENALLY F, CORDONNIER M
 11:20Eye protection DEBACKERE A
 11:30Prenatal open globe injury - a case report HOUTMAN AC
 12:00Lunch break
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