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Cet abstract a été assigné à session AOB Free Papers 1
Type de présentationOral presentation
TitreExploring the effect of corneal spherical aberration and chord µ on depth of focus with a non-diffractive enhanced monofocal intraocular lens (a pilot study).
ButTo evaluate effect of corneal spherical aberration and chord µ on visual performance and depth of focus with an enhanced monofocal intraocular lens(IOL).
MéthodesIn this retrospective study patients implanted with RayOne EMV IOL or RayOne EMV Toric (Rayner) lens were included. Between 2 and 4 months after the surgery, we evaluated monocular distance corrected visuals acuities (VAs) at distance (CDVA), intermediate (DCIVA) and near (DCNVA). We also evaluated best corrected defocus curve from +1.0 to -2.5D monocularly. We calculated correlation between visual performance and preoperative corneal spherical aberration, chord µ, manifest refraction spherical equivalent (MRSE), postoperative MRSE and age.Corneal SA (Total Corneal Refractive Power Z40) and chord µ were measured with Pentacam AXL device.
Résultats50 eyes from 28 patients met the inclusion criteria and were analyzed. Mean patient age was 75±8.8 ranging from 57 to 90 years. Preoperative SA was 0.39 ±0.39 µm (-0.08 to 2.46 ) and chord µ was 0.28±0.12 (0.09 to 0.62). Preoperative MRSE was 0.42±2.99 D (-9.25 to +6.5 ). Postoperative MRSE was -0.38±0.5 D (-1.5 to +0.5 D).Monocular CDVA, DCIVA and DCNVA were -0.07±0.08 logMAR, 0.37±0.1 logMAR and 0.61±0.13 logMAR, respectively. In the monocular distance corrected defocus curve analysis the VAs at -1.0 D, -1.5 D and -2.0 D were 0.16±0.12 logMAR, 0.31±0.13 and 0.45±0.15 , respectively. No correlation was found between visual acuities and chord µ or SA.
ConclusionIn our study, visual performance and visual acuities at intermediate and near vision are not predicted by preoperative corneal spherical aberration and chord µ measured by Pentacam AXL.
Conflit d'intérêtNon
Auteurs 1
InstitutCitadelle Hospital
Auteurs 2
InstitutCitadelle Hospital
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