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Cet abstract a été assigné à session AOB Free Papers
Type de présentationOral presentation
TitreWriggling surprise during cataract surgery.
ButTo present a rare case of intracapsular pentastomiasis.
MéthodesThis article reports the case of a 10 year-old girl seen during a humanitarian mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo, who turned out to suffer from ocular pentastomiasis in an uncommon location.
RésultatsThe girl complained about progressive unilateral vision loss since one year. Slit lamp examination revealed a white cataract in the right eye. Fundoscopy was inaccessible. During surgery, an annulated worm was found in the capsular bag. Further anamnesis was remarkable for regular snake and crocodile meat consumption. A clinical diagnosis of ocular pentastomiasis was made. The worm was sent for analysis to the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, Germany, for characterization, which confirmed the diagnosis. Human pentastomiasis is a rare, yet emerging zoonotic disease. Consumption of undercooked, infected snake meat may lead to visceral pentastomiasis, which is usually asymptomatic. Ocular involvement is uncommon but often devastating. The parasite resides with a decreasing frequency in the anterior chamber, in the ocular adnexa or the posterior chamber. To our knowledge, intracapsular involvement has not been described so far. After surgery, fundoscopy showed diffuse retinal atrophy and the vision did unfortunately not improve.
ConclusionOcular pentastomiasis can be a devastating cause of vision loss in endemic regions. This case illustrates a possible intracapsular location of the parasite. Informing populations concerned about this pathology and promoting hygiene in meal preparation could potentially prevent some cases of blindness.
Conflit d'intérêtNon
Auteur 1
Auteur 2
InstitutHôpital Provincial de référence de Bandundu
VilleBandundu RDC
Auteur 3
Auteur 4
InstitutClinique Ophtalmologique St Raphaël
VilleMbuji Mai RDC
Auteur 5
InstitutHet Oogziekenhuis
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