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TitreSpontaneous hyphema as a presenting sign of retinoblastoma.
ButTo determine the frequency, epidemiological and clinical profile of patients with retinoblastoma presenting with spontaneous hyphema
MéthodesThis is a retrospective study of patients with retinoblastoma who presented with hyphema as a sign of presentation, during the period from June 6, 2013 to May 30 , 2020, over a period of 7 years in the Department of Ophthalmology. For each patient, interview (parents or guardians), clinical and paraclinical examination (ultrasound, CT scan) were considered. The fundus examination was performed under general anesthesia.
RésultatsDuring the study period, 7 patients with retinoblastoma presented with spontaneous hyphema, representing a frequency of 18.4% of all retinoblastoma cases diagnosed during the study period. The mean age at diagnosis was 3.3 years (39.6 months). In terms of gender, there was a predominance of females (85.7%). The average time between the appearance of the first sign and the consultation was 7 months (from 1 to 18 months).
The spontaneous hyphema was of the 1st and 2nd degree (85.8%). The involvement was unilateral (right eye, 57.1%; left eye, 42.9%).
ConclusionThe frequency of hyphaema reported in this study seems high compared to other studies. Our study also showed a female predominance. Spontaneous hyphema should be considered in the differential diagnosis of retinoblastoma.
Conflit d'intérêtNon
Auteur 1
InstitutUniversity of Kinshasa
Auteur 2
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