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Cet abstract a été assigné à session AOB FP
TitreRuthenium brachytherapy in conjunctival melanoma
ButIn 2018, ruthenium brachytherapy, a beta-emitter, was introduced at the department of ophthalmology in Leuven. With this presentation we will illustrate and review the results with ruthenium brachytherapy.
MéthodesCase review and literature study. Ruthenium brachytherapy is applied after excision of the conjunctival melanoma, and calculated to deliver a dose of 100 Gy at 1 mm depth.
RésultatsIn 4 patients (aged 10 to 82 years) with conjunctival melanoma, ruthenium brachytherapy was used as an adjuvant therapy. The application of the ruthenium plaque lasted for 6,8 or 9 hours.
Irritation and dry eye feeling was limited to he first month after application. In the limited follow-up no recurrence was seen, nor any irradiation side effect.
ConclusionWith the introduction of ruthenium brachytherapy we have a safe therapy for the adjuvant treatment of bulbar conjunctival melanomas. A research of the literature shows that adjuvant therapy in conjunctival melanomas is important in reducing the number of recurrences, and tends to result in a better survival.
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Auteur 1
InstitutKULeuven, dept ophthalmology
Auteur 2
InstitutKULeuven, dept ophthalmology - Jessa Hospital Hasselt, dept ophthalmology
VilleHasselt - Leuven
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