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TitreEffectiveness of Humira in the treatment of non-infectious pediatric uveitis: a retrospective cohort study comparing JIA with other causes of uveitis
ButChronic childhood uveitis is most often associated with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). We wanted to assess the efficacy of Humira (adalimumab) in JIA-associated uveitis compared to its effectiveness in other non-infectious uveitides.
MéthodesOur retrospective cohort study compares group A (n=14): patients with JIA-associated uveitis, and group B (n=13): patients with other non-infectious uveitides, both treated with Humira. Patients were followed from initiation of therapy until discontinuation or until the last ophthalmologic visit up to April 2018, with a mean follow-up time of 41.2 months. The primary outcome was therapy effectiveness according to an intraocular inflammation score corresponding to the SUN-criteria.
RésultatsThree months after the initiation of Humira 13/28 eyes (46.4%) in group A, and 4/23 eyes (17.4%) in group B, with an active uveitis at the start of therapy, achieved uveitis inactivity. However, by the end of the study uveitis had reoccurred in 3/13 and 0/4 eyes in group A and B, respectively. Moreover, 3/11 eyes in group A and 5/16 eyes of group B, which showed no signs of active inflammation at Humira initiation, developed uveitis in the course of the study. Only in group A, a statistically significant reduction in the ocular inflammation was seen during the study follow-up (mean difference 0.666; 95% CI 0.271 to 1.062; P- value= 0.001).
ConclusionWe conclude that Humira is an effective therapy for children with JIA-associated uveitis, showing more successful results compared to other causes of uveitis. During follow-up, Humira did not show a protective effect against uveitis reoccurrence, but did show a significant reduce in the severity of inflammation during these episodes of relapse.
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