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TitreVisual outcomes and complications for a novel suture fixation device in the Bag-in-the-lens IOL implantation
Abstract Nr.3031
ButTo describe the visual outcomes and possible complications with patients who underwent a bag-in-the-lens (BIL) intra-ocular lens (IOL) implantation using modified sutured bean-shaped ring segments for zonular stabilization. Normally, zonular stabilization in complex BIL implantation is achieved by the conventional bean-shaped ring segments. However, with severe zonular loss such as in Marfan’s syndrome and homocysteinuria, this fixation device did not offer enough stability. The modified bean segments are and adaptation of the previous bean segments but with an eyelet that facilitates the scleral suturing.
MéthodesThis was a retrospective single-center study that investigated cases which received a BIL IOL implantation between January 2015 and June 2017. The surgical technique, positioning, visual outcomes and per- and post-operative complications were evaluated
Résultats13 eyes of 10 patients were included in this study. The beans were used as stabilization for the BIL in all cases. In all cases the beans were sutured or placed in a limbus-based Hoffman scleral pocket. The beans were implanted in 8 cases of lens luxation due to homocysteinuria or Marfan syndrome, 1 case of senile cataract and 1 case of aphakia.
The mean gain in visual acuity was 0.35 decimal Snellen for all included cases.
Following post-operative complications were found: 2 cases of iris incarceration and 1 case of choroidal bleeding.
ConclusionThe modified bean-shaped ring segment is an upcoming novel suture fixation device. Looking at the results, good visual outcome and few post-operative complications can be witnessed. It is a promising technique, especially in the most complex cases of severe zonular instability.
Conflit d'intérêtNon
Auteur 1
InstitutUniversitair ziekenhuis Antwerpen
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