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Cet abstract a été assigné à session AOB and FRO E-Posters
TitreTop-down proteomics of human tears in a clinical context.
Abstract Nr.3038
ButTo analyze the different (iso)forms of the proteins in clinically sampled tears.
In several pathologies little effect is seen at the level of the gene, transcript or even protein identities that can be detected. Often, however, disease-specific protein modifications do result in modified ‘proteoforms’, with altered bioactivity.
MéthodesTears of multiple donors were analyzed with bottom-up, as well as top-down proteomics. As such >10 different biological samples were analyzed in duplicate by reversed phase capillary LC / quadrupole-orbitrap MS.
RésultatsThe overall bottom-up analysis yielded > 350 different protein identities, as previously reported. Top-down data enabled 90 proteins to be confidently identified, with a bias towards the higher abundant protein species. Surprisingly these 90 proteins appear in >750 distinct proteoforms. Some proteoforms have nearly full top-down MSMS sequence coverage; others lack coverage in certain protein domains, not seldom rich in cysteines (S-S bridges). Only very few proteins occur in a single proteoform. One of the proteins appearing in multitude of isoforms is lacritin, an important protein in Dry Eye Disease because of its autocrine effect on tear secretion. Indeed, >175 different lacritin proteoforms were detected (all donors cumulated). Several proteoforms are unique for a specific donor, probably representing inter-individual genomic/genetic variations.
ConclusionA large amount of novel biological information remains hidden when classical (bottom-up) proteomics is done, and part of it may get unvailed by a top-down approach.
Conflit d'intérêtNon
Auteur 1
InstitutMiró Centrum voor Oogheelkunde en Ooglidchirurgie
VilleGeel, België
Auteur 2
Nomde Winde
InstitutUniv. Leiden
VilleLeiden, Nederland
Auteur 3
VilleBeerse, Belgie
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