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TitreLaser pointer macular injuries on the rise
Abstract Nr.1029
ButLaser maculopathy is becoming more frequent with laser pointers of dangerous classes being readily available. Especially children are vulnerable to this kind of injuries. Signs on presentation are fairly typical but the macular aspect changes over time making diagnosis on late presentation difficult. The differential diagnosis includes solar retinopathy, pseudo-vitelliform dystrophy, poppers maculopathy and central serous chorioretinopathy. We present two recent cases of laser induced maculopathy, with the purpose of drawing attention to the macular appearance which can be puzzling to the non-initiated ophthalmologist.
MéthodesTwo case reports
RésultatsCase 1: a 10-year old girl presented with a diminished visual acuity in the left eye. A ´vitelliform-like´ lesion was found and the OCT showed disruption of the foveal outer photoreceptor layer. After repeated questioning a laser pointer, which had been sold to the parents as a safe laser, was procured.

Case 2: a 14-year old boy was referred with bilateral central scotoma 3 days after having looked into a laser. Bilateral yellow macular lesions were noted and the OCT showed oedema and disruption of the foveal outer photoreceptor layer. After several weeks the oedema subsided but some disruption of outer retinal layers remained. Although visual acuity had recovered to 0.7 in the right eye and to 1.0 in the left eye, a central scotomata was still perceived in both eyes.
ConclusionLaser injuries cause a typical appearance on OCT that may change gradually over time and may leave the victim with permanent visual loss. International classifications of lasers that are sold commercially do not safeguard children from permanent eye injury. Some have called for restrictions on the sale of these devices.
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