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TitreICG-enhanced large spot-size transpupillary diode laser (LSTDL) with indirect ophthalmoscopy (IO) for retinal hemangiomas
Abstract Nr.1028
ButTo evaluate the efficacy, ocular and visual outcomes, and treatment complications of ICG-enhanced large spot-size transpupillary diode laser (1.2 mm) with indirect ophtalmoscopy for sight-threatening exudative retinal hemangiomas
MéthodesA prospective case series of 23 retinal hemangiomas in 17 eyes (16 patients). ICG-enhanced large spot-size transpupillary diode laser (1.2 mm) was directly applied to the hemangioma with indirect ophthalmoscopy. The ICG solution (25 mg/10 CC) was IV injected 1 minute before LSTDL. Von Hippel Lindau disease was diagnosed in 8 patients (50%).
RésultatsAfter a mean follow-up of 37 months (range, 6 to 209), 17 hemangiomas totally regressed with flat scar (74%) and 6 partially regressed (26%). Retinal exudation completely disappeared in 10 eyes (63%) and partially regressed in 6 eyes (37%). Eleven hemangiomas (48%) were treated by one session of LSTDL and 12 hemangiomas (52%) needed 2 sessions. Visual acuity improved in 5 eyes (30%), decreased in 4 eyes (23%) and was stable in 8 eyes (47%). Epiretinal macular membrane appeared in 2 eyes (12%).
ConclusionICG-enhanced large spot-size transpupillary diode laser with indirect ophthalmoscopy appeared to be a safe therapeutic option for visual threatening exudative retinal hemangiomas. The only complication was epiretinal macular membrane in 2 eyes (12%).
Conflit d'intérêtNon
Auteur 1
InstitutCliniques universitaires Saint-Luc
Auteur 2
NomDe Potter
InstitutCliniques universitaires Saint-Luc
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