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Cet abstract a été assigné à session AOB: Academia Ophthalmologica Belgica
TitreCapsule contraction syndrome after implantation of a 4-looped single-piece hydrophilic intraocular lens: a case
Abstract Nr.1027
ButTo report a case series of capsular contraction syndrome after implantation of a 4-looped single-piece hydrophilic intraocular lens (IOL) (Micro AY 123, Physiol).
Méthodes1116 Micro AY 123 IOLs were implanted between 2010 and 2011 by 4 surgeons in the same hospital (CHR Citadelle Liège). Slitlamp digital photographs of the IOL were taken between 2 and 39 months post-operatively to document macroscopic IOL decentration and/or capsulophimosis.
Résultats31 eyes (2.78%) were found with macroscopic IOL decentration and/or capsulophimosis. None of them had predisposing factors of capsular contraction syndrome (pseudoexfoliation, myotonic muscular dystrophy,retinitis pigmentosa and trauma) except 3 eyes who had chronic uveitis. 2 eyes had combined phacoemulsification and vitrectomy. 4 eyes had prior retinal surgery.
ConclusionThe micro AY 123 IOL present a poor capsular biocompatibility. The biomaterial (hydrophilic acrylic) and the design of the IOL may both play a role in the high incidence of capsular contraction syndrome.
Auteur 1
InstitutUZ Leuven
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