Abstract bekijken

Deze abstract is toegekend aan sessie BSCRS Refractive surgery
TitelCustomCornea® LASIK with Ladarvision 4000 and Ladarwave
Abstract Nr.A2017
Doelto demonstrate the ability of the expanded CustomCornea software of the ladarwave. Myopia up to –9diopters with –5diopter astigmatisme can be treated with customCornea software.
Methodesprospective analysis of 100 lasik Eyes. Cycloplegic aberrometry measurements will be taken. Subsequent CustomCornea treatment will be performed.
Resultatenindicate that CustomCornea treatment reduces the higher order aberrations of treated eyes. The software combined with the excellent centration and eyetracking unique for the ladarvision4000 delivers the treatment exactly on the measured spots.
ConclusieCustomCornea treatment with the Ladarvision4000 proves to be safe and very reliable. Results will be shown together with pre and post op aberrometry maps to illustrate the cases.
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