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TitreClinical experience with the WIOL-CF intra-ocular lens: preliminary results
Abstract Nr.P115
ButEvaluating the short-term visual outcome and patient satisfaction after bilateral implantation of a polyfocal intraocular WIOL-CF lens.
MéthodesA WIOL-CF was implanted bilaterally after phaco-emulsification between May and July 2013. We excluded patients with any other ophthalmic pathology or previous cornea refractive laser surgery. Nine cataract patients (18 eyes), 1 male and 8 females aged between 43-68 years (mean age = 60 years). An examination was performed before, 2 weeks after, and 3 months after surgery.
RésultatsAfter surgery, an improved mean uncorrected distance VA of 0.89 ±0.15 (range 0.7 to 1.2) was recorded. Also, 8 out of 9 patients’ VA after surgery is better than 0.8. Mean uncorrected near VA was J2.65. In addition, we noticed a strong correlation between the patients’ VA and the use of OVD (OPHTEIS), which has the tendency to result in a clouded lens capsule. In 5 out of 9 patients, no OVD was used during surgery resulting in a mean uncorrected distance VA of 0.96 ±0.11, whereas the mean uncorrected distance VA of the other 4 patients is 0.81 ±0.14.
For 2 of the subjects, complications in the form of acute glaucoma and macular edema arised. Only 3 subjects sometimes noticed glare and halos in the evening. 4 of the 9 subjects no longer needed spectacles and another 4 of the 9 subjects sometimes needed reading spectacles. Finally, 7 out of 9 subjects reported to be satisfied or even very satisfied after surgery.
ConclusionThe optical properties of the WIOL-CF are promising, providing satisfactory visual outcomes for both distant and near vision, most often resulting in spectacle independence for daily life activities. The vision improvements are even more promising when OVD is not used during surgery.
Auteur 1
InstitutUZ Leuven
Auteur 2
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