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TitreEffectiveness of the glaucoma screening in employees of the University Hospital St. Luc, UCL, in Brussels.
Abstract Nr.P113
ButTo assess the effectiveness of free glaucoma screening for the employees of University Hospital St. Luc, UCL, Brussels, during the World Glaucoma Week 2013.
MéthodesThe employees of St. Luc University Hospital older than 40 were invited to glaucoma outpatients' free screening consultation. 320 responded positively. The participants were asked to fill a questionnaire including age, sex, personal ocular trauma or surgery and familial history. The subjects were examined by an ophthalmologist in training. The anterior segment (Van Herick's sign, depth, Krukenberg's spindle, iris transillumination and pseudoexfolliation), the optic disc (size, rim, excavation, and peripapillary hemorrhages) and the IOP by GAT were performed.
Depending of clinical examination, after supervision of an experienced Glaucoma consultant (SP) and a visual field test by Octopus (if needed), the examiner classified the subjects "normal", "suspect" or "glaucoma".
RésultatsThere were 45 eyes (of the 548 eligible) classified in suspect.
499 eyes in Normal group, including 471 normal eyes and 28 eyes with an occludable angle without any symptom.
From the 45 suspects, 37 eyes showed abnormal optic disc and VF deficits (possible early glaucoma). A positive familial glaucoma history were reported in 1/3 of suspect group.
4 eyes showed Glaucoma with associated structural and functional damage. They received immediate treatment.
28 eyes underwent a preventive iridotomy.
ConclusionGlaucoma is still not widely known. Even for the employees of a large university hospital white easy access to the care, is screening important. The preventive iridotomy was the best result of this WGW screening.
Auteur 1
InstitutCliniques Universitaires St. Luc UCL
Auteur 2
InstitutCliniques Universitaires St. Luc UCL
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