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TitreStrabismus and hemianopia
ButHomonymous hemianopia leads to a severe disturbance of visual orientation under binocular conditions. In contrast patients with bitemporal hemianopia binocularity show a normal visual orientation except a hemifield-slide phenomenon is present.
MéthodesVisual field defects and strabismus can prove to be a difficult combination. In some cases binocular visual fields can possibly be enlarged or reduced by the squint.
A simulation of different visual field defects will show the effects of strabismus (eso-, exotropia). The simulation will also show the effect of eye muscle surgery in these cases.
RésultatsAlthough expecting that a visual field loss and an additional strabismus will lead to a more pronounced disturbance of vision, rarely a strabismus may even compensate the visual field defect. In these cases strabismus surgery is not recommendable.
ConclusionBefore a strabotomy it is necessary to know if there is a visual field defect.
Auteur 1
InstitutDepartment for Ophthalmology, University Clinic Tübingen, Department for Strabismus, Periocular Surg
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