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TitreInfantile esotropia: How early to treat and to operate?
Abstract Nr.A1033
ButEssential Infantile Esotropia (EIE) is a comitant, manifest, non-refractive esotropia of 30-50 prism dioptres with an onset between birth and 6 months of age; essential to emphasize that the etiology of EIE is unknown. The etiology based on a delayed maturation and/ or defect of the motor fusion mechanism (vergence system) alone or associated with other factors seems to be the most likely. The treatment of choice of EIE is surgical alignment of the eyes. Is a cure possible? There is still an ongoing debate between supporters of early or very early and late surgery. Pros and cons will be discussed as well as the final comparative data and results of the European Multi-Centre Study (early versus late infantile strabismus surgery study group) conducted by H. Simonsz and G. Kolling.
The relationship between EIE and amblyopia (free-alternation) will also be tackled.
Author 1
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