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Cet abstract a été assigné à session BOG-SBO 1 Medische retina/ Rétine médicale
TitreAfrican hypertensive retinopathy and IRVAN
Abstract Nr.A1015
ButTo report an unusual manifestation of hypertensive retinopathy with panuveitis suspected to become an IRVAN(Idiopathic Retinal Vasculitis Aneurysms and Neuroretinitis)syndrome
RésultatsA 46 year-old Nigerian man was seen in casualty because of decrease of vision in the left eye.His past medical history was remarkable for essential hyertension since the age of 36.Both anterior segments and intraocular pressure were normal in both eyes.Fundus of both eyes disclosed multiple retinal arterial macroaneurysms, gross vascular tortuosity and abnormal shunt vessels.The left fundus showed preretinal and subretinal hemorrhage at the posterior pole.No treatment was given and patient recovered vision.In 2004 the patient complained of drop of vision in the right eye.There were 2+ cells in the anterior chamber and the vitreous of the with suspicion of retinal arteritis and bilateral optic neuropahty.Furthermore the patient was on tuberculosis treatment since few months but without proven tuberculosis biopsy
ConclusionThis case manifests all characteristics of severe hypertensive retinopathy in African. Despite foveal subretinal hemorrhage the outcome was good.A few years later the patient developped panuveitis with possible retinal arteritis.IRVAN is a very rare syndrome.It consists of bilateral numerous aneurysmal retinal arteries dilatations, vitritis,exudative retinopathy,peripheral capillary non perfusion and neuroretinits without known systemic associations.Our patient did not completely fulfill all the criteria for IRVAN syndrome,especially taking in consideration the unilateral involvement and possible tuberculosis association.Though,due to the rarety of this syndrome, the diagnosis remains debatable.
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