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Cet abstract a été assigné à session BSCRS Contact lenses
TitreContact lens related corneal ulcerations in Belgium - latest results of the interuniversitary study
Abstract Nr.A1006
ButRetrospective analysis of the files of patients hospitalised for contact lens related corneal ulceration in the 8 Belgian university hospitals from 1997 up to 2003 included.
MéthodesCase series study of 107 files of patients hospitalised for contact lens related ulceration; the files were retraced, using the ICD 9-codes for corneal ulceration and were checked individually to sort out any ulcerations unrelated to contact lens wear.
RésultatsThe number of cases has been increasing over the years : 1997 5, 1998 9, 1999 12, 2000 17, 2001 22, 2002 20, 2003 22 cases. A study by FADICON (Belgian association of contact lens distributors) has estimated that the number of contact lens wearers has increased from 3,5% to 6,5% over the same period.
Soft contact lenses were involved most frequently (99 cases), most often planned replacement lenses, the most popular mode of lens wear in Belgium. From 2000 to 2003 there were 4 cases of ulceration associated with daily disposable lenses. The typical hospital case is that of a young patient with a central, sight threatening ulceration caused by Pseudomonas of other Gram negative bacteria. Acanthamoeba is responsible for 16 out of the 107 cases. Full results on the residual loss of visual acuity will be presented at the conference, but we already know for certain that at least 16 eyes underwent penetrating keratoplasty and 1 eye had to be eviscerated.
ConclusionDespite advances in contact lens materials, modes of lens wear and new care systems, the problem of vision threatening corneal ulcerations has not been resolved.
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