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Cet abstract a été assigné à session BSCRS Cataract surgery
TitreMicroincision cataract surgery with aberration-corrected IOLs
Abstract Nr.A2062
ButTo assess the visual results, contrast sensitivity and optical aberrations in patients that underwent cataract surgery in one eye with implantation of the aspherical Acritec Acrismart 36A through a 1.5 mm incision after bi-manual phako-emulsification. In the other eye patients underwent a conventional phako-emulsification with implantation of the aspherical Pfizer Tecnis Z 9000 lens.
MéthodesIn a prospective randomised study, 50 cataract patients underwent implantation with either the Acritec Acrismart 36A lens or the Pharmacia Tecnis Z 9000 lens. Both lenses have aspherical characteristics. At 2 months the BCVA and the post-operative refraction were recorded, the contrast sensitivity in mesopic and photopic conditions was measured and visual function analysis using the ray tracing system (Tracey) was performed. A subjective evaluation by the patient was also done.
RésultatsTwo months after surgery, the visual acuity was similar for both eyes in both groups. Contrast sensitivity measurements and ray tracing analysis showed no manifest differences. The per-operative complication rate in the patients that underwent bi-manual phako-emulsification was slightly higher during the learning curve but lower once the technique has been mastered.
ConclusionImplantation of the Acritec Acrismart 36A and Pharmacia Tecnis Z 9000 lens, both with aspherical characteristics, resulted in identical optical performances. Nevertheless the original 1.5 mm incision can be maintained when implanting the Acritec Acrismart 36A . After a learning curve, bi-manual phako-emulsification is a safe technique.
Author 1
InstitutClinique Générale St-Jean
Author 2
InstitutClinique Générale St-Jean
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