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Cet abstract a été assigné à session BSCRS Cataract surgery
TitreAdvantages of a new, preloaded injectable implantlens
Abstract Nr.A2067
ButSince one year we started using an injectable lens for correction of aphakia after phako.
This type of lens presents several advantages :
1° there is no manipulation of the lens whatsoever: it goes immediately from the sterile syringe container into the eye.
2° the implantation is fast and occurs in a sterile way.
3° No special instrumentation is needed.( folder, injector, etc…)
4° An lens rotator is included, so that only one instrument goes into the eye
Although the visual results are similar to other lenses, it can be expected that, due toless or no manipulation, and to the sterile introduction of the lens, the chance of endopthalmitis will be reduced.
Author 1
InstitutSt. Augustinus Ziekenhuis
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