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Cet abstract a été assigné à session BOG-SBO 3 Voorste oogsegment / Segment antérieur
TitreConjunctival spitz nevus: a case report
Abstract Nr.A1051
ButTo report a clinical case of a conjunctival Spitz nevus with pathologic examination of the biopsy; and to review the literature on Spitz nevi, located on the skin and on the conjunctiva.
MéthodesA 28-year-old man presented with a rapidly growing, non-pigmented, conjunctival mass in the caruncular area. Pathologic examination revealed that the lesion was composed of nests of large, polygonal, epithelioid cells of melanocytic origin. Many cells were in cell cycle. The basis of the melanocytic lesion showed an inflammatory infiltrate.
RésultatsThe result of the histological examination showed that the lesion was an atypical, epithelioid cellulary Spitz nevus. Although Spitz nevi are well known and quite frequent on the skin, review of the literature revealed that conjunctival Spitz nevi are exceptionally rare. They usually present in children and young adults, are rapidly growing and may raise suspicion about malignant melanoma. Even on pathologic examination, it isn't always possible to differentiate Spitz nevi from malignant melanoma, although there are some criteria, which favour each diagnosis.
ConclusionConjunctival Spitz nevi appear to be extremely rare, benign lesions. Important differential diagnosis, clinically as well as histologically, is malignant melanoma.
Author 1
InstitutOogziekten, UZ
Author 2
InstitutOogziekten, UZ
Author 3
InstitutOogziekten, UZ
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