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Cet abstract a été assigné à session BOG-SBO 3 Voorste oogsegment / Segment antérieur
Titre6 months results of a new pseudo-accomodative intra-ocular lens
Abstract Nr.A1061
ButEvaluation of results of first 30 patients, bilaterally implanted with a pseudo-accomodative intra-ocular lens (Acrysof Restor). This lens with apodized diffractive optics has a design to restore far, near and intermediate vision
Méthodes60 eyes of 30 patients had implantation of the Alcon Acrysof Restor intra-ocular lens. Patient selection included no other eye disease besides cataract and corneal astigmatism of one diopter or less. Uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), uncorrected near visual acuity (UNVA), best corrected distance visual acuity(BDVA) and best corrected near visual acuity (BNVA) were recorded. Intra-operative and post-operative complications were noted and patient satisfaction graded. Glare phenomena and night vision diffuculties were evaluated and asked for.
RésultatsPost-operatively UDVA was better than 20/25 in 88%, and UNVA was better than 20/25 in 94%. BDVA and BNVA was better than 20/25 in 100%. No intra-operative complications were noted concerning implantation of the intra-ocular lens. 2 patients showed a floppy iris. 90% of patients had spherical equivalent between +-0.5 Diopter. Two patients mentioned spontaneously glare phenomena and three patients mentioned non disturbing halo's. Patient satisfaction was excellent (70%), good (12%) and acceptable (18%). No patient was dissatisfied with the surgery.
ConclusionInterim data indicate that the Acrysof Restor intra-ocular lens provides excellent near visual acuity without compromising distance visual acuity. The incidence of visual disturbances is very low and patient satisfacrtion high.
Author 1
InstitutAlgemeen Stedelijk Ziekenhuis Campus Aalst
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