2016 - FAB Club, Brussels, April 23

Only for FAB members who are not yet registered - registration deadline is April 15

Fluoresceïn Angiography Club Belgium:  FAB - Club 

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to invite you all to the next FAB club meeting in Brussels, Saturday 23th April 2016, from 9h00 until 13h00.
The meeting venue will be :

Europaziekenhuizen – Cliniques de l'Europe
De Frélaan 206
1180 Brussels
Zaal/Salle Van Rompuy,  1st floor
9:00: coffee and preparation of presentations
9:30 -12:30: case presentations
12:30: lunch
We invite you to participate to this meeting  and we encourage you to present and share interesting cases with us. Feel free to present in Dutch, French or English.
Could you let us know if you want to attend the meeting, if you would like to present a case, and if you intend to stay for the lunch, by sending an e-mail to:
Please reply before 15/04.
Accreditation points have been requested for the meeting.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Brussels .
With kind regards,
Werner Dirven
Laurence Postelmans
Sébastien Goethals

Fluorescein Angiography Club Belgium

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