ICC 2: Medical Retina – The Challenges We Face Daily
Interactive Clinical Courses
Woensdag 27 November 2024, 14:00 - 15:30, HALL 300


Level: Intermediate


De Zaeytijd Julie, Ruys Joke, Dirven Werner, Vincent De la Porte

Ghent University Hospital, Turnhout General Hospital, Antwerp University Hospital


Let's explore daily challenges of managing MR patients. Should AMD treatment rely solely on OCT findings? Will biomarkers shape future strategies? New therapies on the horizon? With Visudyne® now available, how and when should we treat CSR? How should cataract surgery be approached in patients with macular disease? What outcomes can we promise? Side effects of new systemic treatments? Multiple topics will be discussed via case presentations, offering practical insights for clinic decision-making.

Program outline

14:00Medical Retina - The challenges we face daily by Dr Joke Ruys RUYS J
14:20Medical Retina - The challenges we face daily by Dr Vincent De la Porte DE LA PORTE V
14:40Medical Retina - The challenges we face daily by Dr Julie De Zaeytijd DE ZAEYTIJD J
15:00Medical Retina - The challenges we face daily by Dr Werner Dirven DIRVEN W
 15:20End of Interactive Clinical Course
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