ICC 7: How to perform glaucoma surgery and deal with their respectively postoperative management
Interactive Clinical Courses
Donderdag 23 November 2023, 14:00 - 15:30, HALL 300


Level: Basic



University Hospital Leuven

New Vision Oogkliniek Zuid Antwerp


In preparation of the glaucoma wetlab. We will go through the steps how to perform a trabeculectomy and Xen implantation. Last but not least, glaucoma surgery requires meticulous postoperative care. The most appropriate policy at different times during postoperative course increases success rate of the procedure. However, making the best choice is not always obvious: restarting topical medication? An additional surgery? Wait and see? We guide you through the postoperative management.

14:00All the ins and outs of implanting a Xen HONDEGHEM K
14:30How to perform an old fashioned trabeculectomy VANDEWALLE E
15:00How to handle the postoperative follow up as an expert LEMMENS S
 15:30End of ICC 7

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