AOB Academic session

AOB Academic session
AOB Academic session
Vrijdag 27 November 2020, 16:00 - 18:00, ROOM 1
 16:00Introduction Jules François Lecture by Bart Leroy
 16:05Jules François Lecture: Ophthalmic Genetics in the time of Vision 2020 MAUMENEE I
 16:25Presentation of the Jules François Medal by Bart Leroy
 16:30AOB Lecture Thomas Neuhann: Laudatio by Guy Sallet
 16:35AOB Lecture: Myths in cataract Surgery NEUHANN T
 16:55Recognition of Thomas Neuhann by Guy Sallet
 17:00Introduction Keynote speaker Ingele Casteels by Sayeh Pourjavan
 17:05Keynote Lecture: Delayed visual maturation CASTEELS I
 17:25Recognition of Ingele Casteels by Sayeh Pourjavan
 17:30Introduction Keynote speaker Giovanni Staurenghi by Werner Dirven
 17:35Keynote Lecture: New treatment strategies and paradigms in medical retina in 2021: an update STAURENGHI G
 17:55Recognition of Giovanni Staurenghi by Werner Dirven
 18:00End of session
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