AOB Rapid Fire session 2

AOB Rapid Fire session 2
AOB Rapid Fire session
Donderdag 28 November 2019, 12:30 - 13:00, Speakers corner
10312:30Choroidal neurofibromas: for once not hidden! DEQUEKER L, HEMELSOET D, LAUREYS G, DE ZAEYTIJD J
12612:35Is keratoconus a real ectasia: analysis of corneal surface area in normal eyes and keratoconus ? CRAHAY F-X, DEBELLEMANIERE G, GHAZAL W, TOBALEM S, MORANT S, RAMPAT R, GATINEL D
10712:40Clinical outcomes of Ahmed Glaucoma Valve in posterior segment STASSENS E, RAKIC J-M, COLLIGNON N
10812:45The IOP lowering effect of combined iStent +phacoemulcification in patients with glaucoma: prospective study HAAGDORENS M, BOUSTANI G, POURJAVAN S
11012:50Large spot size-transpupillary laser diode (LSTLD) with or without adjuvant ICG for retinal hemangiomas. BARTOSZEK P, DE POTTER P
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