BOG/SBO : Dry eyes: How to unmask the great imitator in your daily practice?

Dry eyes: How to unmask the great imitator in your daily practice?
Woensdag 27 November 2019, 14:00 - 17:00, SILVER
 14:00Introduction by Marc Huygens
 14:10Dry eyes, we all have to deal with it. An overview of the epidemiology, pathophysiology and diagnosis of dry eye disease SULLIVAN D
 14:30When your body is overacting: Immunology and dry eye MURPHY C
 14:45Artificial tears: Be gentle to your eyes. The role of  preservatives in drops DUCHESNE B
 15:00Beauty should not hurt: Cosmetics and eye health SULLIVAN A
 15:45Beyond the drops: Non-surgical treatment ES-SAFI M
 16:00Surgery of dry eyes: a paradox? Surgical treatment GEERLING G
 16:15Refractive surgery and dry eyes:  Think twice before you start CRAHAY FX
 16:30Conclusions and perspectives for the future SULLIVAN D
 16:45Questions and answers
 17:00End of sessions
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