BOV-ABO: Diplopia after surgery: What to do?

Diplopia after surgery: What to do?
Donderdag 28 November 2019, 14:00 - 18:00, The Arc
Daisy GODTS, Nathalie FOSTY
 14:00Opening by Hilde Janssens, president BOV-ABO
 14:05Diplopia after Strabismus surgery VAN LAMMEREN M
 14:25Diplopia after Cataract surgery DECKX A
 14:45Diplopia after Refractive surgery MAASSEN M
 15:05Diplopia after Glaucoma surgery JONES E
 15:25Diplopia after Retina surgery VAN DAELE O
 16:15Diplopia after Orbital surgery GODTS D
 16:35Diplopia after Sinus surgery NINCLAUS V, LA GRANGE N
 16:55Diplopia after aesthetic surgery JANSSENS H
 17:15Thesis: Orthoptic and surgical treatment of non-accommodative esotropia with convergence excess RAGAIGNE A
 17:30Closing by Hilde Janssens, president BOV-ABO
 18:00End of session
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