Diabetic Eye Disease Revisited: an approach for 2018
Vrijdag 24 November 2017, 11:00 - 12:50, Gold
Werner DIRVEN, Sabine BONNET

  • How to start: Screening & Diagnosis 
  • How and when to treat?

305611:00Screening protocol: Could we learn from “The Dutch Experience” ? RINGENS P
305711:10Angio-OCT and Wide-Field Angiography : added value in our daily practice ? RUYS J
305811:20Biomarkers in DRP and DME : clinical relevance ? GUAGNINI AP
305911:35Does visual acuity influence DME treatment decisions? RASQUIN F
306011:45Diabetic Retinopathy and laser treatment : obsolete or indispensable? POSTELMANS L
306112:00DME: to peel or not to peel ? TADAYONI R
306212:10DRP: When to call upon the surgeon ? DEPLA J
306312:20Cataract in diabetics: when and how to operate ? VAN LOOVEREN J
306412:35Panel discussion of clinical cases GOETHALS S
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