Ocriplasmin is particularly efficacious in specific types of vitreomacular traction and can induce transient ultrastructural changes at the optic disc WILLEKENS KW, ABEGãO PINTO LAP, VANDEWALLE EV, STALMANS IS, STALMANS PS
Corneal Changes in ReLEx smile VAN CLEYNENBREUGEL H
Clinical trial of Ultrasonic Circular Cyclo Coagulation in patients with open angle glaucoma COLLIGNON NJ, CHAPELLE AC, REMONT L, DUPONT G
An aggressive small choroidal melanoma or How optic disc swelling helped to suspect extraocular invasion LAUWERS N., DE GROOT V., SIOZOPULOU V., DE KEIZER RJW
Large spot size-transpupillary laser diode and adjuvant ICG for retinal hemangiomas FORTUNATI M, DE POTTER P
Peripheral ischemic retinopathy and neovascularization in a patient with bacterial endocarditis KREPS EO, DE SCHRYVER I, HOORNAERT KP, SMITH V, DE ZAEYTIJD J
A new method for measuring rotational stability of toric intraocular lenses HUA MT, GILLARD P
Horizontal diplopia and exophtalmos as first signs of trigeminal schwannoma : case report and review of the literature LHOIR S, BORRUAT F-X
There's music in Belgian ophthalmology VAN OS L, DE KEIZER RJW
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Vrijdag 28 November 2014, 09:00 - 15:00, Poster area